Because Time Matters.
Faster Triage, Prompt Actions
Collection and Use of Personal Information
1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
- Answering an inquiry
2. Items of personal information collected and used
- Name, Email, Phone number, Organization, Job title, Contact history
3. Period of retention and use of personal information
- until withdrawal of consent
4. Users have the right to refuse the company's consent to collect and use personal information.
- However, we would like to inform you that if you refuse to consent to collect and use personal information, you may be restricted from writing inquiries.
Heuron Privacy Policy
Heuron Co., Ltd. Privacy Policy
Notice of Collection and Use of Personal Information
Heuron Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") provides this notice concerning the collection and processing of users' personal information on the Company's website in accordance with the 『Personal Information Protection Act』 and other relevant regulations.
The "Company" is committed to protecting users' personal information and promptly and effectively addressing any related grievances. The Company makes the Privacy Policy readily accessible on the main page of the website, allowing users to review it at any time. The Privacy Policy is subject to changes in accordance with relevant laws and the Company's internal policies, and any revisions will be documented and made available through version management.
• Member: Refers to individuals or business members who access the Heuron website and leave inquiries related to the use of services.
Purpose of Processing Personal Information
Purpose of Processing "Member" Information: The Company collects personal information of "Members" to respond to inquiries regarding the use of Heuron services.
(However, in cases where personal information retention is required by relevant laws, the information will be retained for the period specified by those laws.)
Categories of Personal Information Collected
(Mandatory) [Contact Us]
· Collected Items: Name, Region, Institution/Company Name, Department/Position, Email, Phone Number, Inquiry Details
· Purpose of Use: To respond to service inquiries
· Collection Method: Heuron website
· Retention Period: Until consent is withdrawn
(Mandatory) [Request a Demo]
· Collected Items: Name, Region, Institution/Company Name, Department/Position, Email, Phone Number, Additional Inquiries
· Purpose of Use: To respond to demo requests
· Collection Method: Heuron website
· Retention Period: Until consent is withdrawn
(Optional) Receive Service Advertisement/Event Information
· Collected Items: Name, Email, Contact Number, Institution/Company Name
· Purpose of Use: To receive service-related advertisements/event information
· Collection Method: Heuron website
· Retention Period: Until consent is withdrawn
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The "Company" uses "Members'" personal information within the scope notified in the notice of collection and use of personal information and, in principle, does not provide "Members'" personal information to third parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases:
· When "Members" have given prior consent
· When required by law or when requested by investigative agencies following the procedures and methods prescribed by law for investigative purposes
Entrustment of Personal Information Processing
Entrustment of personal information processing refers to the delegation of certain tasks to specialized contractors to provide smooth services to "Members." Personal information is processed only within the scope entrusted under the responsibility of the "Company." The "Company" carefully reviews whether the entrusted contractors have sufficient capabilities to protect "Members'" personal information.
· The "Company" has entrusted the processing of personal information to the following domestic specialized companies to provide services:
· Entrusted Company Name: Gabia (Web Hosting)
· Entrusted Work: System management (hosting)
· Entrusted Company Name: Switchworks (Website Maintenance Company)
· Entrusted Work: Website and system management (maintenance)
· When entering into an entrustment contract, the "Company" specifies in documents such as contracts the prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than the performance of entrusted tasks, technical and managerial protection measures, restrictions on re-entrustment, management and supervision of the trustee, and responsibilities such as compensation for damages in accordance with the 『Personal Information Protection Act』. The "Company" supervises whether the trustee safely processes personal information.
· If the content of the entrusted work or the trustee changes, the "Company" will disclose it promptly through the privacy policy.
Period of Processing and Retention of Personal Information
Unless otherwise stipulated by law or separately agreed upon with the "Member," the "Company" retains personal information for the duration of service use or until the purpose of use is achieved.
If the retention period is not specified:
1) Information will be used until the purpose of provision is achieved.
2) Information will be used until the retention period prescribed by relevant laws.
Upon the "Member's" request for withdrawal, the "Company" will immediately destroy all related information, including logs.
Other information required to be retained for a certain period according to relevant laws is as follows:
[Relevant Law] Protection of Communications Secrets Act
· Retention Period: 3 months for service usage log records
Rights of Members and Methods of Exercise
"Members" have the right to exercise their personal information protection rights at any time, and the "Company" will process requests as promptly as possible, except in cases where compliance with relevant laws and regulations necessitates otherwise.
If a "Member" requests correction or deletion of personal information due to errors, the "Company" will not use or provide the concerned personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.
[Rights of the Information Subject]
· Request to access personal information
· Request to correct or delete personal information
· Request to suspend processing of personal information
· Request to inquire about the use and provision of personal information
[Methods of Exercising the Rights of the Information Subject]
· Rights can be exercised through the customer service department listed below, and we will take immediate action upon verification of identity.
Matters Concerning the Destruction of Personal Information
When the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved, or when a "Member" withdraws their consent or otherwise requests the cessation of personal information processing, the "Company" will promptly destroy the relevant personal information using the methods outlined below.
· Destruction Procedure
When a reason for the destruction of personal information arises, the "Company" will promptly destroy the personal information in a secure manner under the supervision of the Personal Information Protection Officer.
· Destruction Method
For electronic files, the "Company" will safely delete the information using technical methods that make recovery and reproduction impossible.
For printed materials, the "Company" will destroy them by shredding or incineration.
Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Devices that Automatically Collect Personal Information
1. Cookies
Cookies are very small text files stored on the "Member's" PC by the website the "Member" has accessed to maintain the service usage environment set by the "Member" for more convenient service usage. These cookies do not contain any personal information that can identify the "Member," and the "Member" can easily refuse or delete cookies at any time. However, refusing to store cookies may cause difficulties in using some services.
1-1. How to Change Cookie Settings
You can check and change the cookie settings of the browser you are currently using through the following methods: Microsoft Edge: [Settings] → [Cookies and site permissions] → [Manage and delete cookies and site data] → Block third-party cookies
· Microsoft Edge: [Settings] → [Cookies and site permissions] → [Manage and delete cookies and site data] → Block third-party cookies
· Chrome: [Settings] → [Preferences] → [Privacy and security] → [Cookies and other site data] → Change settings
· Safari: [Safari] → [Preferences] → [Privacy] → Change settings for [Cookies and website data]
2. Google Analytics (GA)
The "Company" uses Google Analytics, a web analysis tool provided by Google. Through Google Analytics, the Company collects behavioral information about users of its website, and only information that cannot identify individuals is collected. This analysis information is used to provide more useful and convenient services to "Members." If you do not want this information to be processed, you can refuse processing through the following guide page.
2-1. How to Disable Google Analytics [View]
Technical and Managerial Protection Measures for Personal Information Protection
The "Company" makes every effort to manage "Members'" personal information safely and protects personal information at a level higher than required by relevant laws. Additionally, "Members" are responsible for securely managing their personal information and should not transfer or lend it to third parties.
· Establishment and Implementation of Internal Management Plan
The "Company" has established and implemented an internal management plan for the secure processing of personal information.
· Minimization and Training of Personal Information Handling Staff
The "Company" designates and restricts staff who handle personal information to a minimum number and implements measures to manage personal information.
· Regular Self-Audits
The "Company" conducts regular self-audits to ensure the stability of personal information handling.
· Access Restriction to Personal Information
The "Company" takes necessary measures to control access to personal information by granting, changing, and canceling access rights to the database system processing personal information and uses an intrusion prevention system to control unauthorized access from outside.
· Storage and Prevention of Forgery or Alteration of Access Records
The "Company" stores and manages access records to the personal information processing system for at least one year. If personal information is added or unique identifiers or sensitive information for more than 50,000 data subjects are processed, records are stored and managed for at least two years. Additionally, security functions are used to prevent access records from being forged, altered, stolen, or lost.
· Encryption of Personal Information
Users' personal information is encrypted and stored/managed in such a way that only the user can know it. Important data is protected using separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission data or using file locking functions.
· Technical Measures Against Hacking, etc.
The "Company" installs security programs to prevent personal information leakage and damage caused by hacking or computer viruses, regularly updates and inspects them, and installs systems in areas where access is controlled from outside, and monitors and blocks them technically and physically.
· Access Control for Unauthorized Persons
The "Company" has a separate physical storage place for personal information and establishes and operates access control procedures for it.
· Use of Locking Devices for Document Security
The "Company" stores documents and auxiliary storage media containing personal information in a secure place with locking devices.
Dedicated Department for Personal Information Protection
The "Company" operates a dedicated department for the protection of "Members'" personal information. This department addresses inquiries related to personal information processing and handles complaints. You can inquire about any personal information-related issues arising from the use of the Company's services, and we will provide prompt and thorough responses.
[Customer Service Department]
· Department: TE Team
· Contact Number: 02-2633-8595
· Fax Number: 02-2633-8596
[Chief Privacy Officer, CPO]
· Name: InHo Hwang
· Contact Number: 02-2633-8595
If you need remedies or consultation regarding personal information infringement, you can contact the specialized agencies listed below for assistance.
[Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Operated by KISA)]
· Scope of Work: Reporting and consulting on personal information infringement
· Website:
· Phone: 118 (no area code required)
· Address: 9 Jinheung-gil, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, 58342, Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Infringement Report Center
[Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee]
· Scope of Work: Application for personal information dispute mediation, group dispute mediation (civil resolution)
· Website:
· Phone: 1833-6972 (no area code required)
· Address: 12th Floor, Government Complex Seoul, 209 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03171
[Supreme Prosecutors' Office]
· Website:
· Phone: 1301 (no area code required)
[National Police Agency]
· Website:
· Phone: 182 (no area code required)
Changes to Privacy Policy
1. This Privacy Policy will be effective from July 26, 2024.
2. Previous versions of the Privacy Policy can be accessed below:
· Heuron Privacy Policy (Effective Date: January 28, 2024) (Click)
· Heuron Privacy Policy (Effective Date: December 29, 2023) (Click)
· Heuron Privacy Policy (Effective Date: February 20, 2023) (Click)
Consent to receive marketing and advertising communications
1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
- You can receive information on various events and benefits, including information on the launch of a new service provided by Heuron Co,,Ltd, by e-mail. You may cancel this agreement at any time.
2. Items of personal information to be collected
- Name, Email, Phone number, Organization
3. Period of retention and use of personal information
- Until withdrawal of consent
Your request is submitted.
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For inquiries regarding products, sales, technical support, or
investment, please fill out the form and we will get back to you.
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Enriching Lives Through
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Brain health is vital for a better quality of life. Heuron's AI
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Heuron Signs Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Japan’s Doctor Net for Stroke Solution
Heuron’s Full-fledged Entry into Japan BeginsCollaboration for Nationwide Distribution and Regulatory Approval in JapanPhoto caption: Heuron and Doctor Net sign an exclusive distribution agreement in Tokyo on the 19th. (From the second left: Heuron’s Vice President & CBO Park Chan-Ik, Doctor Net’s CEO Hasegawa Masako) South Korea’s leading AI-driven neurovascular disease specialist, Heuron Inc.(CEO Shin Dong-Hoon), has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Doctor Net Inc., a Japanese remote diagnostic imaging company, on February 19 in Tokyo. The signing ceremony was attended by Park Chan-Ick, Vice President and CBO of Heuron, and Hasegawa Masako, CEO of Doctor Net. Doctor Net, Japan’s largest remote diagnostic imaging company, provides AI-powered medical imaging analysis services and a cloud-based medical data system through its advanced AI medical platform. With this agreement, Heuron will distribute and sell its non-contrast CT-based acute stroke triage AI solution, "Heuron StroCare Suite™," across hospitals and medical institutions throughout Japan. Additionally, both companies will closely collaborate to obtain regulatory approval for the solution within Japan by the end of the year. Shin Dong-Hoon, CEO of Heuron, stated, "This partnership with Doctor Net marks the beginning of Heuron’s expansion into the Japanese market. We are committed to ensuring that our solution is not only recognized in South Korea but also in Japan and the global market. Heuron will continue to drive clinical innovation and research to benefit more patients and healthcare professionals worldwide.”
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휴런, 파킨슨병 솔루션 ‘휴런IPD’ 싱가포르 인허가 획득
뇌신경 질환 전문 의료 인공지능(AI) 기업 ㈜휴런(대표 신동훈)이 최근 파킨슨병 솔루션 휴런IPD(Heuron IPD)로 싱가포르 인허가를 획득했다. 휴런IPD는 MRI를 기반으로 파킨슨병을 진단 보조하는 AI 솔루션이다. 기존 핵의학 검사가 필요했던 진단 방식을 보완해 경제성과 접근성이 좋고 방사선 노출 부담이 적은 3.0T MRI만으로 나이그로좀 영역의 이상 여부를 판단하고 분석 결과를 제공하는 솔루션이다. 파킨슨병이 진행되면 도파민 신경세포가 손상을 입는데, 이때 나이그로좀 영역에 소실이 발생하기 때문에 나이그로좀 영역의 변화는 파킨슨병 진단을 위한 주요 바이오마커로 활용된다. 휴런IPD는 싱가포르 보건과학청(Health Sciences Authority, HSA)로부터 Class B 등급을 획득했으며 이에 따라 올해 싱가포르 전국 병원 및 검진센터 등에서 매출이 발생할 것으로 보인다. 또한 휴런은 싱가포르 내 저명한 파킨슨병 연구자 및 유수의 의료기관·연구소 등과 협력해 임상 근거 확보를 위한 연구를 활발히 진행하고 있다. 지난 해에는 파킨슨병 분야의 세계적 권위자인 싱가포르 종합병원(Singapore General Hospital)의 링링 찬(LING LING CHAN) 교수 연구팀 주도록 휴런IPD를 활용한 연구를 성공적으로 마친 바 있으며, 싱가포르 스타트업 전시회 ‘SWITCH 2024’와 글로벌 투자 유치 행사 'K이노베이션 데이 인 싱가포르' 등에 참가해 휴런IPD와 솔루션들을 싱가포르 의료진 및 관계자에게 소개해 큰 호응을 얻기도 했다. 휴런 신동훈 대표는 “싱가포르는 휴런의 파킨슨병 솔루션 연구개발 및 사업 전반에 걸쳐 아주 중요하게 생각하는 시장 중 하나”라며 “이번 인허가 획득을 통해 휴런IPD가 싱가포르 내에서 보다 널리 사용될 수 있기를 바란다. 휴런은 싱가포르 법인을 중심으로 아시아 시장 진출에 더욱 박차를 가할 것”이라고 덧붙였다. 한편, 휴런은 휴런IPD에 이어 또 다른 파킨슨병 솔루션인 휴런NI(Heuron NI)에 대해 상반기 내 싱가포르 인허가 추가 획득을 계획하고 있다.
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휴런, NIS 2025 참가해 ‘뇌졸중 치료 시작시간 단축’ 알려
뇌신경 질환 전문 의료 인공지능(AI) 기업 ㈜휴런(대표 신동훈)이 지난 8일 부산에서 열린 대한뇌혈관내치료의학회(NIS 2025)에 참가했다. 휴런은 이날 부스 전시를 통해 응급 뇌졸중 선별을 위한 비조영 CT 기반 AI 솔루션인 ‘휴런스트로케어스위트(Heuron StroCare Suite™)를 선보였다. 지난해 보건복지부로부터 혁신의료기술로 선정된 휴런스트로케어스위트는 실제 전국 병원에서 뇌졸중 의심 환자의 신속한 선별과 진단 보조를 위해 활용되고 있는 솔루션이다. 또한 이날 휴런 박찬익 부사장 겸 CBO는 ’선별 AI 솔루션을 통한 허혈성 뇌졸중 치료 시작 시간 단축 노력(Effort for Reducing Ischemic Stroke Treatment Initiation using Triage AI Solution)‘ 발표를 진행했다. 이 발표를 통해 휴런은 휴런스트로케어스위트가 허혈성 뇌졸중, 즉 뇌경색 의심 환자를 분류하는 것에 도움을 줘 실제 치료 시작 시간을 단축하고 환자 예후를 향상시킨다는 점을 의료진 및 관계자들에게 알렸다. 또한 향후 치료 대상 환자를 확대할 수 있도록 하는 제품 연구 개발과 임상 근거 확보 노력에 동참을 요청했다. 신동훈 휴런 대표는 “이번 학회 참가를 통해 휴런의 우수한 AI 솔루션과 실제 사용 케이스를 선보이고 알릴 수 있어 의미 있는 시간이었다”며 “휴런이 뇌혈관과 뇌신경 질환을 전문으로 하는 AI 기업인 만큼 앞으로도 이러한 질환들의 빠른 선별과 진단을 도울 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
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